Welcome to the Compounders Podcast. On this show, Host and Investor, Ben Claremon, will explore the topic of compounding from various angles, including through interviews with public and private company executives, investors who focus on compounders, and newer investment firms that are building a business they hope will become more valuable over time.

Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Compounders: The Game Plan Moving Forward
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Welcome to what I will call an update episode of Compounders. We are done with our executive interviews for Season 2. However, we are in the process of putting together a Season 2 recap show—similar to what we did for Season 1. Overall, we had a very eclectic mix of guest with some larger company CEOs and some smaller company CEOs. But the quality of the interview was really good in my humble opinion. The Joey Levin episode got the most engagement we have received for an interview. I think a lot of people discovered Compounders through that episode. Thanks for listening to this Season and we hope you will stick around for what we have in store.
Going forward, the structure is going to change a little bit. During the first 2 seasons, we tried to put out an episode each week for 12 weeks. Given the busy schedules of public company execs and the demands associated with quarterly earnings, this has created unnecessary pressure and scheduling complexity. So, instead of doing 12 episodes and taking a month off, we are going to book and release episodes on a consistent but not necessarily weekly basis. Our focus right now is on getting great guests who run interesting companies.
We ran a Twitter poll and over 90% of people said they don’t care about seasons—they just want us to find great guests. We hope you will continue to follow Compounders and check your podcast feed regularly for new episodes. Bobby and I have a list of about 50 companies we are going to be reaching out to over the next few weeks. There are a number of true compounders on that list.
A lot of these companies came from suggestions from listeners. Thanks to everyone who has reached out with some recommendations. However, we are always looking for new guests. So, please feel free to reach out. As always, warm introductions are much appreciated. I am pleased to say that our brand has grown to the degree that cold outreach has started to pay dividends. However, we have found companies to be very receptive when we are introduced by shareholders.
Thanks again for listening and feel free to reach me at podcast@covestreetcapital.com or follow me on Twitter @benclaremon. Please stay tuned for the next interview of Compounders, to be released in the next several weeks.
This episode of Compounders: The Anatomy of a Multibagger is sponsored by Tegus, an innovative and disruptive company that is changing the way professional investors work. For more information, please visit: https://www.tegus.co/
To get all the latest updates about the podcast, see who we’ll have on next, as well as watch the video version of the pod, please follow us on twitter at @BenClaremon and subscribe to the SNN Network YouTube Channel at www.youtube.com/snnwire.
For more information about Cove Street Capital, please visit: https://covestreetcapital.com/
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Each new episode will be available every Tuesday morning on Apple, Spotify and all podcast streaming platforms.
All opinions expressed by your hosts and the podcast guests are solely their own opinions and do not reflect the opinion of Cove Street Capital or any affiliates. This podcast is for informational purposes only, it is not investment advice, and should not be relied upon for any investment decisions. We are not recommending the purchase or sale of any securities. The hosts and guests may be beneficial owners of the securities discussed. You should not assume that the securities discussed are or will be profitable.