Welcome to the Compounders Podcast. On this show, Host and Investor, Ben Claremon, will explore the topic of compounding from various angles, including through interviews with public and private company executives, investors who focus on compounders, and newer investment firms that are building a business they hope will become more valuable over time.

Friday Jul 30, 2021
Compounders: The Anatomy of a Multibagger with Ben Claremon
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Welcome to the Compounders Podcast, where we explore the anatomy of public company wealth creation stories. On this show, we invite you to be a fly on the wall for the actual conversations professional investors have with public company CEOs. Through a series of interviews, we will learn about how to create a compounder—a sustainable company whose success builds upon itself—by hearing about the real-life experiences of leaders who run smaller-cap public companies. I’m your host, Ben Claremon, a partner and portfolio manager at Cove Street Capital. In these conversations, I interview public company senior executives by posing the exact type of questions I ask as part of Cove Street’s diligence process.
By talking to people who operate within a wide variety of industries, we will dig into the holistic aspects of company building that you are not going to hear anywhere else. Whether you are a professional investor, founder or someone who is simply interested in business, we think this podcast has something for you.
To get all the latest updates about the podcast, see who we’ll have on next, as well as watch the video version of the pod, please follow us on Twitter at @InoculatedInves and subscribe to the SNN Network YouTube Channel at www.youtube.com/snnwire.
Each new episode will be available every Tuesday morning on Apple, Spotify and all podcast streaming platforms.
All opinions expressed by your hosts and the podcast guests are solely their own opinions and do not reflect the opinion of Cove Street Capital or any affiliates. This podcast is for informational purposes only, it is not investment advice, and should not be relied upon for any investment decisions. We are not recommending the purchase or sale of any securities. The hosts and guests may be beneficial owners of the securities discussed. You should not assume that the securities discussed are or will be profitable.